This season.

this season {Clean.}

this season {Clean.}

this season {Clean.}

this season {Clean.}

this season {Clean.}

this season {Clean.}

this season {Clean.}

With each season come new rhythms.

New tasks, new projects, new goals, new needs.

This autumn has had more of each than I ever expected.

From butchering our own chickens to our first clumsy efforts at milking a goat.

From planting ten pounds of garlic to filling our freezer and cellar with more food than we've ever even thought of putting by.

And at the same time stepping up to bat on some big and beautiful projects at LüSa Organics all while finding our homeschooling and family groove.


And then last week some friends offered us their entire flock of sheep.

Their life has changed and after a decade shepherding this flock they are ready for the next chapter.

They offered us six (pregnant) ewes and a ram.


And we said yes.


So a new seasons of learning begins.

Like lambing. In the snow. Like combining two flocks and preparing them for winter.


This weekend, though, is Lupine's birthday.

She'll be seven. Seven!

And so our singular focus will be celebrating this magical girl that sprinkles fairy dust on our lives each and every day.


Blessings to you all this weekend.

Be present.

Even when it's tempting to slip away.

Be you.

Even when you feel alone.

Be real.

Even when you're not sure what that means.


Drink deep of all that you have.

Because it's more than you might imagine, if you can just take a moment to look.




11 thoughts on “This season.

  1. Kelly Sage says:

    Love these beautiful gentle reminders. Finding so much truth in them these chilly November days. October was such a month of BIG things for us. Thankful for them and the slowing down November is bringing.

  2. Casey U says:

    Happy Birthday to Lupine — hope the next trip around the sun is as wonderful as the last!

    We just had two birthdays here, too — how on EARTH can they be four and six!?

    I am so excited for you guys — all the “new” of this year for you all has been just wonderful to watch. <3

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